Friday, March 13, 2009

Tooth Fairy Loan Needed

Well, we have a proud daughter who pulled out her own tooth at school Thursday! She has been very excited to tell everyone she sees ... and get this "Mom, don't say anything, let me tell them" does my daughter know me ... so some of you I might have given it all away, but I am sure you can be excited for this girl!

Eva is quite the proud little sister too!

Can you tell?


Prachar family said...

Adorable! I love those missing tooth pictures!

Anonymous said...

she is too cute.. it won't be long and lillie will have teeth falling out too i'm sure.. not sure if i'm ready for her to be that big yet... thanks for offering your bumbo, but actually i ordered one yesterday.. ebay has been my best friend lately and i found a new one and tray for $ shipping... have a great day.. so who is coming this direction next anyways.... seems like forever since we have seen everyone..

Football and Fried Rice said...

I love Eva checking it "all" out - I know that Carter couldn't WAIT after Cole lost his first tooth - he had to, of course - almost 3 years!