Monday, March 16, 2009

Not Me! Monday

Wow, it is so beautiful here today! It reached an amazing 71 degrees outside, and we found some signs of spring when we looked around this weekend. We found a few blades of green grass, and some of my spring flowers have already "sprung" from the ground. Looks like we have another warm day ahead and then after that it might be normal into the 50's.

So it is Monday and I thought I might get back into the routine of Not Me! Monday. It might be short, but at least I will have tried, right! So, welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.

This week I did NOT have a youngest daughter that announced while at church that she peed at Jesus' house! Very happily too. Nope, Not Me! While I am on the topic this so called daughter of mine may have had an accident while playing outside in the garage. When I got home Jon did NOT tell her to show me what happened, when she did Eva did NOT claim the spot looked like Mickey Mouse! Sorry folks I couldn't take a photo of it ... I just was not going to be that die hard of a blogger at that given moment!

I did NOT have a child that choose to cut out his own photos from school before we even said that we would keep them. Silly me, I always keep track of what comes home from school especially our kids photos.

I did NOT have a daughter who after loosing her first tooth prepared for the tooth fairy by leaving notes/clues for the tooth fairy so that it could find her tooth. She did NOT have lots of questions about the tooth fairy the next day when she found money where her tooth had been. This is NOT the same daughter that just a few weeks ago told me the the Easter Bunny was not real only that Grandpas hide Easter Eggs.

We did NOT raid our pantry to go to a family grocery shower tonight. I did NOT find several things in my pantry that are past the expiration ... I however was nice enough to keep them in my pantry and not give them away! When at that family event tonight I did NOT find out that my husband asked his cousin Natasha "and who's baby is this". Really Jon, are you not in the loop? They go to our church, they are in our Family! WOW. I guess we have been back in the Sunnies room a little too long!

So what did you NOT do this week?

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