Monday, March 16, 2009

He made us proud!

WOW! Camden came home with this paper in his back pack the other day from school. They had been each writing stories for St. Patrick's Day, and Camden wrote what he remembered it was about. I have to say impressive memory since we have not talked about it for awhile nor watched the episode of Veggie Tales that talks about it, but if you can read the following here is what he writes:

Leprechaun Day is a fun Holiday to celebrate. One time when I was watching Bob and Larry it was about St. Patrick and he got taken away with pirates and went to Ireland and when he grew up he became a minister and helped people of Ireland not worship things and other stuff. He helped them worship God and Jesus. Have you ever saw a leprechaun. Have you ever got gold from a leprechaun.

If you follow this link to YouTube you can watch a short about St. Patrick's Day from Veggie Tales. I really do like the lesson it gives, gosh I grew up never really knowing this until watching this on Veggie Tales with my Kids!

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