Friday, March 27, 2009

just a few things

Oh, it has been a week since I posted anything ... and it wasn't much was it!

I have been busy following two stories, MckMama's baby is in the hospital and it is very serious heart condition ... I have been spending much of this week on my knees, and in general anywhere praying for Stellan. You can check out her blog at for more information.

The other prayer goes out to our family in Indiana going through an adoption as we speak, the baby girl was born Thursday morning and I am praying the should be signing the papers very soon. Please pray for Megan & Matt.

So that leaves me ... I have been having a rough week with my ears, which I have been praying for a friend Barb Wilson who is receiving a Cochlear implant today (which sounds like it went well). I saw my ENT doctor for the first time last week, and I just not sure if I have enough faith in his answers. It does sound like I have the very beginning stages of Meinear's Disease which I really was hoping this would all go away, but after three plus months I guess not. At some point I might elaborate on this, but for know I am still trying to process everything the doctor told me. As for my day to day struggles are getting easier, but it is not always easy learning a new way of handling pain. I am learning to push though the pain, which is not always easy and at times just really does not seem worth the trouble in the long run. Then I have reminders that I don't have it as bad as others do, like MckMama or Barb my troubles don't seem as hard, they seem very dull and why bother complaining to a doctor about them.

In other big news ... starting next week, Eva will only be going to Aunt Cheryl's (my daycare provider while I work) two days a week instead of four. And at some point she will be home full time, slightly nerve racking as I do work a full time job out of the house other than being a mom. This will tremendously help us out financially. Part of me is very sad to give up my freedom, but the other part of me knows I am gaining something I have been missing out on too. Lets just hope I can keep my job! So feel free to pray for me as I start this new journey as a stay at home mom again!

Well, I should get some work done. Thanks for letting me ramble ... soon I hope to post some photos from last nights Spring Music Concert Camden and Em participated in. And also some of Grandpa Ron's Birthday. -b

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