Monday, March 2, 2009

Not Me! Monday

After several weeks off, I will attempt to be honest and bear all truthful attempts of being a Mom this past week! So welcome back to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.

I did NOT hear my oldest child tell me that he wore two pairs of underwear to school one day! WHY! Jon and I did NOT laugh uncontrollably that Camden did not know what to do with us.

I did NOT think it was a grand idea to take my daughters out shopping and to Olive Garden for lunch with Grandma Helen as a great treat for not spending any money while shopping. I did NOT have to take off several times in the restaurant because Eva felt all to comfortable in going to the bathroom by herself. I really did think I was going to enjoy this time, but Grandma Helen seemed to get many laughs out of it. While waiting for our food Eva did not yell off at the waiter serving the table nearby "Don't forget our food"! I just wanted to shrink down in my chair, who was this girl anyways, NOT mine?

I did NOT get excited last week when Target had Wall-E and Horton Hears a Who on sale for $10.00, I did NOT by them! I do NOT just love to watch Eva watching Wall-E because she thinks she really is "EVE" from the movie.

We did NOT have plans to make it to first service on Sunday. Jon did NOT let me sleep in (THANK YOU) and he did NOT fall asleep in the recliner while watching Horton Hears a Who with the kids. Thankfully we made it in time to teach second service Sunnies class.

I was NOT at all giddy to watch my dad being interviewed on TV! That was just awesome. I also did NOT just fall over happy to drive my mom's brand new car off the lot, and put the first 20 some miles on it! It was a good week last week!

Eva did NOT sing while going potty the following song "Who let the dogs out" ... we did NOT laugh ourselves silly in the living room listening to her.

Eva does NOT talk in her sleep, she does NOT sing "Happy Birthday Emily" in the middle of the night unknowingly.

The other day when using spell check on my blog I did NOT think something was wrong when it told me no misspellings found. How was that possible, I am one of the worst spellers ... I don't deny!

We do NOT take candy away from our kids Valentine boxes each time they get in trouble. Who needs a sugar fix, nope NOT me!

I did NOT get photos of my nephew in Atlanta GA playing in the snow this weekend! It was NOT fun to see him wearing Camden's old winter coat. Cute photos, thanks for sharing Uncle Scott.

Uncle Scott's birthday was NOT January 27th, and his Birthday present is NOT still on the freezer in the garage. NOTE: lets get it mailed this week!

Okay, on a real note ... Jon is on his third rolling layoff, and to say the least it is quite frustrating. Really, that is all I can say right now! Have a great week, we are hoping for a warm up!

1 comment:

sweetander said...

Loved catching up on all your updates! Thanks for sharing:)