Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Just a few thoughts

Well a week come and goes just like that these days, and no matter what I do I can't seem to slow things down! Eva was all excited to go to G&G Marner's today as that is what she gets to do every Wednesday and have both of them all to herself on most occasions. Though today I got the call about 11:00 that she didn't seem to be feeling all that well, and went to pick her up. By the time I got her home she was spiking a temp and I knew she was just out of sorts. Though once the Motrin kicked in about an hour later she was more than herself again ... couldn't believe I took her to the doctors, but glad I got her ears check. Poor thing, they swabbed her throat and it was negative for strep. So we just have to watch her fever, and I always get nervous with her when they get high so fast as last year she had that seizure because of that. So she seems to be more than better with Motrin/Tylenol controlling her! Can't keep her still, mom's gotta get work done!

Emily announced last night when I picked her up that she has a loose tooth, I almost cried! Really, I think I had a tear. Her tooth is quite loose, and I had many dreams about this loose tooth last night too. I am not sure now what was a dream and what was Emily ... but I do know the loose tooth is REAL!

My dreams have been crazy because I have been on a lot of powerful drugs the past few days, since Friday night, I have had a really bad Migraine that I just have not been able to shake. But, thanks to my Mother-in-Law Ruth and Sister-in-Law Cindy they have been praying for me and I have not had to take any meds today. I was set to go in for a shot this afternoon/tomorrow if I was not better. So PRAISE GOD!

Camden, well he is being a boy these days I guess. At school they have "refocus" forms when they get in trouble. And we have been seeing a few of them these days, and mom is not the happiest about them. It really is for silly things, but not so silly. Like the other day, he chose not to respect his teachers by not staying quiet in line. It really hurt when that came home, because he chose to lie about it/cover it up with a lie. This last one that came home was one of those that I was "really Camden" he chose to play tag in the classroom when they came back in from recess. Oh, I love this boy, for every challenge that we have to incur as little as these are right now I am so thankful for them, that I get to pour my love on this little man and help mold him into a Warrior for God!

Well, I have to go get Emily and Camden from G&G Marner's ... have a great rest of your Wednesday! -b

1 comment:

sweetander said...

What an awesome attitude you have about shaping Camden when he's acting up. I remember someone at my MOPS table talking about how it can be a blessing when your kids act up because it gives you an opportunity to talk about God's forgiveness and our need for a Savior and an opportunity to shape them. I often have a hard time looking at it that way... Way to go, mom!!