Thursday, January 22, 2009

Thursday Thoughts

So, I am setting here eating my bowl of rice for lunch and just thinking over things that are going on. I had a doctor's appointment today to talk with Minyon (my doctor) about my ears. I hope you don't mind if I let you know a few things. Call it "Blog Therapy" if you want!

The past month, well almost two months has just not been the best. From having days where I cannot get out of bed because I cannot even hold my self up, to days where the pain just feels unbearable. I have had more cluster headaches, and my migraines will last for days with no relief. My energy has just dropped off the map, but I keep up with my exercise routine thanks to my Mom. Appetite is minimal most of the time, but the weight is not coming off. I can't focus on things, my mind wonders easily. We went over these things and others, and I did my best of confessing everything so that when I left I didn't say to myself that I forgot to mention.

Nothing like holding back tear in the doctors office over not being yourself the past few months. It really bothers me that I feel like I do, and I did feel better knowing Minyon knows where I am at with it. So we are going to give it a few more weeks, I go back on 3/5 to revisit where things are at. I have three new medications along with everything I am currently on ... I feel like I can open my own drug store ... and hope things get better, that this is the answer. If not she said she wants to get me in for an MRI with the change and increase in my Migraines. And, possibly see an ENT specialist to further evaluate the Meniere's Disease. She also is running some blood tests to check on my Thyroid again as my numbers were slightly increased last April.

Part of me just wants everything to feel normal again, even though I have adjusted to most my days being the way they are. It is so hard to explain to everyone, I don't know how to do it. I look normal, so why don't I feel normal. I am glad I know how to push through the pain and move on, but I have had days where I know I have pushed it to hard ... but don't we all do that. I really don't know what to pray for anymore ... just that I continue to find time to draw closer to God through this. I know my body will never be perfectly fine until I am with Him.

Also, if I could take a moment to lift my Aunt Beryl up in prayer. She just found out she has cancer. They did a biopsy on a mass on her liver this past Monday. She also has a spot in her small intestine that could be cancer also. They are also looking at a hip replacement, but because of the Cancer they are going to make sure she does not have bone cancer. Please pray for Peace, pray for wisdom of these doctors she is working with. I am going to be working on getting my passport and the family's this weekend, as I want to be able to go with my Mom or if Aunt Beryl would need any help. They live in Canada. Thank you for your prayers.

Before I forget ... Camden has not lost anymore teeth since last Friday. I tried wiggling the top ones more, and boy are they loose ... they just don't want to budge. Wonder if the dentist will end up pulling them when we go for his next appointment. I will try to get some more photos to show you, life has just been a bit to busy with the kids back in school this week. Last week they only had school 1/2 day because of the cold temps.

Take care, hope the sun is shining where you are at ... it is a beautiful sunny day here, makes it feel warmer than it is.



Prachar family said...

So sorry these physical things are not resolving. Please know we are holding you up in prayer religiously here my friend. All I know to do. God is able. Keep the faith! Love you!

MillerFam said...

I'm sorry that you feel so horrible! I'll be praying for you.

sweetander said...

Just wanted to let you know that I'll continue to pray for you and your health. I can't even imagine day after day of feeling like that - an occasional headache is bad enough! Hang in there...

sweetander said...

P.S. Always feel free to call Matthew with questions about medications, etc... if you don't want to bug your doctor:)